Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Only bit of news from the EEF last week that looked interesting:

Online version of: Mark Lehner, The Pyramid Age Settlement of
the Southern Mount at Giza, in: JARCE, vol. 39, pp. 27-74 (2002)
- pdf-file (17.3 MB)
"Since 1988 the Giza Plateau Mapping Project has been carrying out
excavations at Giza along the base of the Maadi Formation escarpment
known locally as Gebel el-Qibli (Southern Mount), about 400 m
south of the Sphinx. The goal is to find evidence of the social and
economic structures that supported the building and maintenance
of the Giza Pyramids and the surrounding tombs and temples. The
project has undertaken 21 months of excavation during a marathon
season from Fall 1999 until June 2002, and a total of 35 months
of excavation since the beginning of excavations in 1988. The
purpose of this article is to provide an overview of what this
program has discovered: a major urban layout of the Third
Millennium B.C. ..."