Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Noah's Ark Found? Turkey Expedition Planned for Summer

Satellite pictures taken last summer of Mount Ararat in Turkey may reveal the final resting place of Noah's ark, according to Daniel McGivern, the businessman and Christian activist behind a planned summer 2004 expedition to investigate the site.

"We're telling people we're 98 percent sure," said McGivern, a member of the Hawaii Christian Coalition. "In one image we saw the beams, saw the wood. I'm convinced that the excavation of the object and the results of tests run on any collected samples will prove that it is Noah's ark. "

So. Since National Geographic regularly runs stories on creatures, for example, dinosaurs, that lived way before 4004 B.C., I'm wondering how this story squares with that.

Please, write to these people and ask them what the hell they think they're doing.

We wonder if there were Neanderthals on the Ark. . .Neandertals Were Fully Developed by Age 15, Experts Say

Neandertals may have matured much earlier than modern humans—perhaps by as young as 15 years old, as opposed to 18 to 20 for modern humans, a team of scientists reports.

Researchers Fernando V. Ramirez Rozzi and José Maria Bermudez de Castro compared fossil teeth of Neandertals, anatomically modern humans, and two earlier species in the Homo genus (Homo antecessor and Homo heidelbergensis).

The researchers' results indicate that Neandertal growth patterns differed significantly from that of modern humans.